Friday, April 5, 2019

Healthy Summer Skin with Chinese Medicine!

A healthy glow and youthful looking skin is not just a matter of appearance. Healthy skin is also an indication of inner well-being. How to keep our skin healthy during the hot, dry summer months? Chinese medicine understands that healthy skin starts from the inside.

The skin is the largest organ of our body. It protects us from the elements, helps us treat important nutrients such as vitamin D and releases toxins from the inside. In fact, the state of our skin speaks volumes about our health, including our metabolic rate, digestion and stress levels. Chinese medicine practitioners read the skin to obtain valuable information about the general state of well-being when evaluating a patient.

Acupuncturist Den Haag

In the philosophy of Chinese medicine, skin problems have correlations with internal organs and energy meridians. When skin problems appear, such as redness, opacity, age spots, wrinkles, dryness, puffiness and rashes, their location indicates to the acupuncturist which meridians are blocked. When the energy channels gently enter a state of equilibrium, the skin heals naturally.

What can we do to keep our skin healthy and young using Chinese medicine?
Chinese medicine uses natural remedies to improve the texture and elasticity of the skin through nutrition, improved circulation and lubrication. Keeping skin cool and moist in summer is essential. Here are some basics:

Internal Remedies to Keep Skin Young

Hydrate yourself, I can not say too much. Drink plenty of water - fine lines around the mouth are a sign of dehydration. Drinking enough water is the most important thing we can do for our skin and our health. Moisturizing will help the skin stay fleshy and moist. Oolong Chinese tea has also been used for centuries to fight against the formation of free radicals, which causes oxidative stress and accelerates the aging process.
Eat unprocessed, nutritious and natural foods. Chinese Gogi berries contain potent anti-oxidants, including: vitamin C, linoleic acid, thiamine, beta-carotene and riboflavin, which nourish and restore the liver, kidneys and blood for better circulation. Better circulation helps eliminate excess waste and provide nutrients to the skin.
Chinese Herbal Remedies for Healthy Skin -
There are many Chinese herbal formulas for treating skin problems. This form of therapeutic intervention is designed to encourage the process of self-healing. Chinese herbs can be eaten indoors or used outdoors to revive tired, aging skin. With all the herbs and supplements, it is best to consult a trusted health care provider to find out exactly which herbal remedies to choose from and to get the proper dosage.

Acupuncture balances energy, stimulates circulation and strengthens the immune system to improve health and appearance.

Cosmetic acupuncture
The Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture system is specifically designed to increase blood flow to the face, neck and abdomen to promote a healthier complexion. This five-week treatment protocol will also reduce facial muscle tension, increase collagen and elastin production, and promote exfoliation for a healthy-looking effect. The results are sustainable.

External remedies
Skin protection and lubrication with moisturizers, serums and sunscreen - this is essential for keeping skin moist and supple. I am my cosmetic acupuncture treatments with Mei Zen cosmetics, all natural and bioactive. Mei zenThe formulations combine traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, herbal extracts and oils as well as natural cosmetic ingredients to protect the skin from the sun and other harmful elements of the environment.

Summer is often the moment of excesses. Too much sun, too much activity, too many opportunities to overeat with too little time to rest. When we make healthy choices about what we eat, drink and how we balance our activity and rest, it also helps us to feel and feel energetic.

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