Sunday, March 31, 2019

Relieve Insomnia with Acupuncture and Other Natural Alternatives

In the United States, 35% of adults report sleeping less than seven hours. Unfortunately, this puts you in a state of lack of sleep. The high stress environment often seen in the modern world is what drives many people to insomnia. This is where good sleep hygiene and acupuncture can reduce stress and help you sleep well at night. The symptoms of insomnia and the stress / sleep deprivation cycle You will recognize many symptoms of insomnia such as difficulty falling asleep at night, frequent waking at night, waking too early and daytime fatigue even if you are in bed for seven to eight hours. There are other symptoms not related to insomnia, such as irritability, anxiety and depression, developmental difficulties, clumsiness or accidents, and increased stress. fall asleep. The symptoms of insomnia and the stress / sleep deprivation cycle Relieving the symptoms of insomnia often starts with stress management. Stress and sleep deprivation go hand in hand. Stress requires a lousy night’s sleep. But when you are deprived of sleep, the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes emotions, becomes more sensitive to negative stimuli. At the same time, the prefrontal cortex, responsible for higher reasoning functions, becomes less active. As a result, your negative emotions become magnified, increasing feelings of stress and anxiety. If the stress-sleep deprivation cycle continues long enough, stress can begin to develop due to the inability to fall asleep and stay asleep, compounding the problem. However, you can use good sleep hygiene and acupuncture to break the cycle. Improve your sleep hygiene Sleep hygiene includes all the behaviors and activities of your life that contribute to the quantity and quality of your sleep. Everything starts in a room dedicated to sleep. Your bed should support your favorite sleeping position. Mattress exams can help you determine if your bed fits your needs. Also try to keep the room cool, dark, and quiet to avoid distractions. Some behaviors that can help you sleep better include: Keep your regular sleep time: your body depends on regular 24-hour cycles, called circadian rhythms, to time your sleep-wake cycle. Regular bedtime helps your body acclimatize to your sleep schedule to properly release sleep hormones. Eat well and be healthy: Heavy and high-fat foods, as well as stimulants such as caffeine at bedtime, can both disrupt your sleep cycle. Stimulants should be avoided at least four hours before bedtime and try to eat early for a light dinner to make sleep easier. Developing a bedtime relaxation routine: A bedtime routine triggers the release of sleep hormones and gives you a way to get up before going to bed. Reading a book, taking a hot bath or listening to soft music are a few different ways to start a healthy bedtime routine. Develop a relaxing routine at bedtime Acupuncture to break the cycle of deprivation of stress and sleep Sometimes you need extra help to break the cycle of stress and lack of sleep. Used with good sleep habits, acupuncture can help you better manage your stress and sleep better. Acupuncture In a study published in the Clinical Neuroscience of the Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 18 participants with symptoms of anxiety and insomnia were treated with acupuncture for five weeks. At the end of the study, participants’ sleep duration increased due torelease of melatonin, a vital hormone of sleep. Participants also reported lower levels of anxiety and improved ability to relax. Acupuncture has also been shown to improve the results of herbal sleep remedies. Acupuncture to break the cycle of deprivation of stress and sleep If insomnia harms your professional or personal life, sleep hygiene and acupuncture may be the best way to rest. Before you know it, you will have more energy and you will feel again.

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